Latest Updates Regarding COVID-19
Dear [firstname],
As the number cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in El Paso rise, I am reaching out to ensure you have the latest available information to protect and care for yourself and loved ones and to provide an update on what Congress is doing to address this public health threat.  

The World Health Organization (WHO) labeled the current COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic and the situation is rapidly evolving. It is important that you are aware of the disease and the efforts necessary to prevent it from spreading. Click
 here if you would like to continue to receive my updates and visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) website for the latest information and guidance as it becomes available. 
Tele-Town Hall
I am hosting my second tele-town hall to update El Pasoans on the COVID-19 pandemic on Friday, March 27, 2020, at 10:15 a.m. MT. I'll provide the latest information, including information for businesses and employees, and answer your questions.

The tele-town hall is free and open to the public, and Spanish-language translation will be provided. Additionally, a live stream with an ASL interpreter will be available on my Facebook page.

Call 866-416-5213 to join this important conversation and press *3 to ask any questions you may have.
Congressional Update Regarding COVID-19
On March 4, 2020, I voted for H.R. 6074, the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, an emergency response package of $8.3 billion which included funding for vaccine development, support for state and local governments, and assistance for affected small businesses. This bipartisan package, negotiated by House Democrats, was signed into law by President Trump on March 6, 2020.

On March 14, 2020, I voted for H.R. 6201, the bipartisan Families First Coronavirus Response Act, critical legislation to support El Paso families facing COVID-19. With this legislation, I put families first and appropriated funds to ensure free coronavirus testing for every El Pasoan who needs a test, including the uninsured, and protect the economic and food security of workers and their families. H.R. 6201 was signed into law on March 18, 2020.

Additionally, this week, House Democrats unveiled legislation to take responsibility for the health and economic security of workers and families.

In anticipation of future packages, I have spent every single day talking with local stakeholders to hear what they believe should be included to help our community. I will continue to work relentlessly to ensure future legislation packages are focused on the health, economic security and well-being of El Pasoans in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus Resources on My Website

Earlier this month, I announced the launch of my new website, which is designed to better serve El Pasoans by offering quick and easy access to a host of constituent services and the latest news and information on my work in Congress. My website features a coronavirus resource page that includes important information about COVID-19, including recommendations from the CDC, a Frequently Asked Questions section, and local, state, and federal resources for small businesses, veterans, students and more.

2020 Tax Filing Season Update
The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service announced that that the federal income tax filing due date is extended until July 15, 2020. My office will continue to monitor guidance from the IRS and provide any additional updates.

Census 2020 Update

The Census Bureau announced that the deadline to respond was extended until August 14, 2020, and that it was suspending its 2020 field operations until April 1, 2020, to protect the health of its employees and the public as the country battles COVID-19.

With this in mind, it is very important for our community to fill out the Census online, by phone or mail in the coming weeks.

You can respond online at or by phone at 844-330-2020. Make sure El Paso counts so that we don’t miss out on federal dollars for roads, public health funds, early childhood education, children’s health insurance, and more!

Further Information
Experts have been working hard to understand COVID-19. Because new information is coming out every day, please visit the sites below to stay up to date. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides updates on the virus and safety information for the public and healthcare professionals, as well as frequently asked questions available here

The County of El Paso provides updates on COVID-19 and the "Stay Safe, Stay Home" order.

The City of El Paso is offering a hotline for residents to call for more information regarding COVID-19. The number is 915-21-COVID, or
The Texas Department of State Health Services provides updates on the disease's spread within the state.

The State Department provides a list of travel advisories for those who are planning to fly outside of the United States.

The safety of you and your loved ones is of the utmost importance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office at

Veronica Escobar
Member of Congress