Dear [firstname],
The lives and livelihoods of El Pasoans are being threatened by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Our families, schools, small businesses, students, veterans, and health care workers need relief now. That is why I decided to postpone yesterday's tele-town hall to travel to Washington, D.C. to ensure the passage of the CARES Act
 Rescheduled Tele-Town Hall
Please join me for my second tele-town hall meeting on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. MT. I’ll provide an update on the COVID-19 pandemic, including information for businesses and employees. Experts on the topic will be on the line to provide information and answer any questions. For more information, click here

The tele-town hall is free and open to the public, and Spanish-language translation will be provided. Additionally, a live stream with an ASL interpreter will be available on my Facebook page

Call 866-416-5213 to join this important conversation and press *3 to ask any questions you may have. Press *0 for Spanish.

WHO: Congresswoman Veronica Escobar

WHAT: Tele-Town Hall Meeting

WHEN: Tuesday, March 31, 2020, at 10:00 a.m.

DIAL IN NUMBER: (866) 416-5213
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
Yesterday, I voted for the third COVID-19 response bill, the bipartisan H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. I am proud to support this historic piece of legislation to protect the lives and livelihoods of El Pasoans during this health and economic crisis.

El Pasoans urgently need relief, and as their voice in Congress, I am determined to ensure they receive the coordinated and fully-funded government response they deserve.

The CARES Act, which was signed into law by President Trump this afternoon, secures critical provisions for El Paso workers and their families and invests $2 trillion to help our public health systems, state and local governments, non-profit organizations, and small businesses in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some of the major components House Democrats and I fought to include after a series of calls with the El Paso community:

  • Unemployment Benefits:
    The CARES Act secures a $260 billion massive investment in the Unemployment Insurance program as well as critical reforms to make the program more effective for El Paso workers. This includes numerous provisions to improve unemployment benefits including providing an additional $600 per week for the next four months, providing an additional 13 weeks of federally funded benefits, and expanding eligibility to include workers in the gig economy and self-employed workers.

  • Marshall Plan for Our Health System:
    This legislation secures an unprecedented and historic investment for our health care system in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The almost $200 billion funds are widely available to hospitals and health care workers most affected by COVID-19, and it will be available to fund whatever is needed to defeat this virus. This includes equipment, infrastructure, and enhanced health investments in our country’s Strategic National Stockpile, surge capacity and medical research into COVID-19.

  • Small Business Rescue Plan:
    The CARES Act secures $377 billion to rescue small businesses in El Paso and across the country. The funds include $350 billion in loan forgiveness grants to small businesses and non-profits to maintain existing workforce and help pay for other expenses like rent, mortgage, and utilities, $10 billion for SBA emergency grants of up to $10,000 to provide immediate relief for small business operating costs, and $17 billion for SBA to cover 6 months of payments for small businesses with existing SBA loans.

  • Increased Direct Payments to Working Americans:
    My colleagues and I fought to Republicans in Congress to double cash payments to hard-working El Paso families from $600 to $1,200 with an additional $500 cash payment is available per child. The full payment will be available for individuals making up to $75,000 (individual) and $150,000 (married). These payments will provide individuals with the cash they need right now to survive with much of the economy currently shut down.

  • State and Local Coronavirus Expenditures Fund:
    To assist States, Tribes, and local governments that must pay for new expenses related to COVID-19 response, the CARES Act offers $150 billion to states, with $8 billion set aside for tribal governments. Based on population, Texas is estimated to receive $11.2 billion to contain and treat the coronavirus and respond to the El Pasoans’ needs during this public health crisis.

  • Student Loan Relief:
    To alleviate the pressure of student loan costs during this crisis, my colleagues and I fought for the inclusion of tax relief encouraging employers to implement student loan repayment programs. This provision will exclude up to $5,250 in qualifying student loan repayments paid by the employer on behalf of the employee from income for income tax purposes. 

  • Robust Worker and Transparency Protections on Government Loans:
    The CARES Act adds tough new requirements to government loans lent to companies. These requirements were not included in the Republican-proposed bill and include no stock buybacks, no increases to executive compensation, protection of bargaining rights, and a secured a prohibition on any Trump Organization business or any business controlled by other government leaders receiving a loan from this bill, among others.

A summary of the CARES Act is available here.

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Additional Resources

Because new information on COVID-19 is coming out daily, please visit my resource page on my website for the latest updates, recommendations from the CDC, and a Frequently Asked Questions section. Additionally, visit the sites below to stay up to date.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides updates on the virus and safety information for the public and healthcare professionals, as well as frequently asked questions available here

The County of El Paso provides updates on COVID-19 and the "Stay Home, Work Safe" order. 

The City of El Paso is offering a hotline for residents to call for more information regarding COVID-19. The number is 915-21-COVID, or 
The Texas Department of State Health Services provides updates on the disease's spread within the state.

The safety of you and your loved ones is of the utmost importance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office at


Veronica Escobar
Member of Congress