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Dear [firstname], 

I hope this email finds you and your family healthy and well. Please know that my priority during this uncertain time has been to make sure that my constituents have the resources we need to get through this.

Unfortunately, my office has been flooded with calls from constituents who lost their jobs and have had problems accessing the unemployment insurance benefits they so desperately need.

I’m hoping to gain a better understanding of this problem, and I need your help.

If you have been terminated, laid off, furloughed, or otherwise separated from your employer due to COVID-19, please take just a few minutes to fill out this online survey.

If you haven’t been impacted but know someone who has, please forward this survey to them and circulate as widely as you like. The deadline to submit your response is tomorrow at 9:59 p.m. MT. 

I want to hear your experiences to make sure you get the relief you need as soon as possible.


Veronica Escobar
Member of Congress