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I hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe. To date, we have tragically lost 58 El Pasoans to coronavirus and have over 2,000 confirmed cases of the virus in the El Paso area. As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, I wanted to remind you of the importance of your participation in the 2020 Census will have on our community.

2020 Census and COVID-19

As we face this unprecedented public health crisis as a community, we need every El Pasoan to be counted during the 2020 Census. Completing the census is our civic duty and only takes a few minutes, but the impact will be felt for years.

The Census will inform how billions of dollars are allocated every year to hospitals, health clinics, veteran programs, schools, affordable housing, and hundreds of other critical services and programs that make a difference in El Pasoans’ lives.

You can respond safely and quickly to the Census by completing a simple questionnaire online, by phone, or by mail. If you have already filled out your census, please check with family and friends to make sure they have filled theirs out, too. It is much more difficult to gather information during this pandemic, so it’s up to each one of us to ensure we get it done for our community.

As of today, only 58.7% of El Pasoans have responded to the Census. Let’s get to 100%! Fill out your Census today.

Start by visiting or call 1-844-330-2020 to respond over the phone.

Memorial Day 2020

As El Paso and our nation continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Memorial Day 2020 will look a little different – but it remains our solemn duty to pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and remember those who have served our country around the world in the name of freedom and democracy and honor the families and communities they left behind. 

The significance of Memorial Day has never been more important. In keeping with CDC guidelines, I encourage you to virtually join Fort Bliss Memorial Day Ceremony, this Monday, May 25, 2020, at 9 a.m. MT on Facebook Live.

Despite the ongoing crisis, let’s recognize those servicemembers who have demonstrated the highest form of selflessness – sacrificing their lives for our country. We are forever indebted to their bravery and courage.

What Does the El Paso Region Need to do to Aggressively Combat COVID-19?

On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, I hosted a virtual conversation with two nationally recognized public health experts and more than 70 government, business, and civic leaders from the Paso del Norte region.

Dr. James Hildreth, president and CEO of Meharry Medical College and leading HIV researcher, and Dr. Scott Gottlieb, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, discussed what the Paso del Norte region needs to do to aggressively combat COVID-19.

As our region charts out a path to safely reopen our economy while protecting our residents against the coronavirus pandemic, we must recognize the unique challenges we face. I am extremely grateful to Dr. Hildreth and Dr. Gottlieb for sharing critical information and knowledge about the tools our community can deploy and look forward to working with local leaders in creating a comprehensive strategy for our region.

You can watch the full video here.

Mobile Testing in El Paso County

Texas ranks near the bottom in testing and contact tracing, which are key to containing COVID-19 and keeping El Pasoans safe. As I continue securing resources for testing and tracing in our community and advocating for more testing for our residents, I want to make sure you are aware of available testing sites in our community.

Mobile testing centers throughout the city are now open and are free of charge. The City of El Paso has a mobile testing center for any symptomatic or asymptomatic person. So, whether you are exhibiting symptoms or not, you can get tested!

To make an appointment, visit or call 512-883-2400. For more information on locations and operating hours, please click here.

Additional Resources

The fight against coronavirus is far from over, and this is not the time to put our guard down. We have to do our part and stay home unless we absolutely need to leave for an essential activity. We all have a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting ourselves, our family, and our community.

Because new information on COVID-19 is coming out daily, please visit my resource page on my website for the latest updates, recommendations from the CDC, and a Frequently Asked Questions section. Additionally, visit the sites below to stay up to date.

The CDC provides updates on the virus and safety information for the public and healthcare professionals, as well as frequently asked questions available here.

The City of El Paso is offering a hotline for residents to call for more information regarding COVID-19. The number is 915-21-COVID, or 915-212-6843.

The Texas Department of State Health Services provides updates on the disease's spread within the state.

The safety and well-being of you and your loved ones is of the utmost importance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office via email at or by phone at 915-541-1400.


Veronica Escobar
Member of Congress