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Dear [firstname],

New Emergency COVID-19 Relief Package

Last night, I voted for H.R. 133, the fiscal year 2021 appropriations omnibus agreement, which includes a desperately needed $900 billion emergency coronavirus (COVID-19) relief package. 

There’s no doubt that this emergency COVID-19 relief legislation falls far short of meaningfully addressing our numerous priorities; however, I also recognize that the bill provides important and immediate relief that we urgently need in order to avoid further devastation. This $900 billion package will prevent an eviction crisis, secure rent, food, enhanced unemployment funds, and direct payments for families – including mixed-status families – and accelerate the free and equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in El Paso have been catastrophic and deeply painful: over 1,300 El Pasoans have died, more than 8,000 filed for unemployment in November, and 1 in 5 children are suffering from food insecurity. My office has been flooded with emails and phone calls from El Pasoans worried about evictions, who don’t know how they’re going to pay rent next month, whether they’ll be able to put food on the table for their families, or when they’ll find a job and steady income again.

From the early days of this deadly pandemic, I’ve sounded the alarm about the crushing impact this would have on minority communities like ours, bringing illness and deaths at higher rates. I have advocated and voted for critical relief legislation at every opportunity in order to protect the lives and livelihoods of El Paso families, workers, and small businesses.

I know El Pasoans desperately need and deserve more, and I advocated for more, but this bill is a start. I’ll continue to work on bigger and bolder relief legislation and work in the upcoming months with the Biden-Harris administration to combat the pandemic and alleviate the pain our families, community, and economy are facing.

Here are some of the COVID-19 relief priorities my colleagues and I fought to be included in the year-end funding package:

  • Accelerating vaccine distribution and crushing the coronavirus: The bipartisan COVID-19 relief package finally recognizes that we cannot get our economy working unless we can get the coronavirus under control. The package provides billions in urgently need funds to accelerate the free and equitable distribution of safe vaccines to as many Americans as possible as soon as possible, to implement a strong national testing and tracing strategy with billions reserved specifically for combating the disparities facing communities of color, and to support our heroic health care workers and providers.
  • Strong support for small business: My colleagues and I secured critical funding and policy changes to help small businesses, including minority-owned businesses, and nonprofits recover from the pandemic. The agreement includes over $284 billion for first and second forgivable PPP loans, expanded PPP eligibility for nonprofits and local newspapers, TV and radio broadcasters, key modifications to PPP to serve the smallest businesses and struggling non-profits and better assist independent restaurants, and includes $15 billion in dedicated funding for live venues, independent movie theaters, and cultural institutions. The agreement also includes $20 billion for targeted EIDL Grants which are critical to many smaller businesses on Main Street.
  • Rental assistance: My colleagues and I secured $25 billion in critically needed rental assistance for families struggling to stay in their homes and an extension of the eviction moratorium.
  • Direct payment checks: Despite opposition from Republicans in Congress, Democrats secured a new round of direct payments worth up to $600 per adult and child, also ensuring that mixed-status families receive payments.
  • Strengthened Earned Income Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit: The agreement helps ensure that families who faced unemployment or reduced wages during the pandemic are able to receive a strong tax credit based on their 2019 income, preserving these vital income supports for vulnerable families.
  • Supports paid sick leave: The agreement provides a tax credit to support employers offering paid sick leave, based on the Families First framework.
  • Enhanced Unemployment Insurance benefits: My colleagues and I averted the sudden expiration of Unemployment Insurance benefits for millions and added a $300 per week UI enhancement for Americans out of work.
  • Nutrition assistance for hungry families: My colleagues and I secured $13 billion in increased SNAP and child nutrition benefits to help relieve the historic hunger crisis that has left up to 17 million children food insecure. Additionally, the package included $400 million for food banks and $130 million for FEMA’s Emergency Food and Shelter program.
  • Education and child care: The agreement provides $82 billion in funding for colleges and schools, including support for HVAC repair and replacement to mitigate virus transmission and reopen classrooms, and $10 billion for child care assistance to help get parents back to work and keep child care providers open.
  •  Relieving grieving families: Congresswoman Escobar and Democrats in Congress secured up to $2 billion in FEMA assistance through states for families with funeral expenses due to COVID-19 through December 31, 2020. 

A summary of the Bipartisan Agreement on COVID-19 Relief available here and the bill text is available here.

As these benefits become available in the coming weeks, please rest assured I will be working tirelessly to ensure El Pasoans are able to receive the desperately needed benefits as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at (915) 541-1400 or via email at

Staying Safe This Holiday Season

More than 1.6 million COVID-19 cases were reported in the United States over the last 7 days. As cases continue to dangerously increase in El Paso and across the country, the safest way to celebrate the holidays this year is to celebrate virtually or at home with the people you live with. Travel and gatherings with family and friends who do not live with you can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19.

Though it is strongly recommended that you do not gather this holiday season, if you do choose to attend a gathering, here are some critical steps to take:

  • Have conversations with the host ahead of time to understand expectations for celebrating together.
  • Wear a mask with two or more layers that covers your nose and mouth.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others who do not live with you.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Encourage guests to bring food and drinks for themselves and for members of their own household only; avoid potluck-style gatherings. 

For more information and tips to make your winter holiday season safer, click here

Being away from family and friends during the holidays can be especially hard and it’s very important to take care of your mental health. Please know that you are not alone and there are resources available to help you. For additional and local mental health resources available to you and your loved ones, click here.  

Testing and Additional Resources

The fight against COVID-19 is far from over, and this is not the time to let our guard down. We have to do our part and stay home unless we absolutely need to leave for an essential activity. We all have a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting ourselves, our family, and our community. 

New information about COVID-19 is coming out daily, please visit my resource page on my website for the latest updates, recommendations from the CDC, and a Frequently Asked Questions section to know the latest. Additionally, visit the sites below to stay up to date.

The CDC provides updates on the virus and safety information for the public and healthcare professionals, as well as Frequently Asked Questions available here

The City of El Paso has a hotline for residents to call for more information regarding COVID-19. The number is 915-21-COVID, or 915-212-6843.

If you need to get tested because you believe you’ve been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms, please get tested. The City of El Paso also offers mobile testing centers throughout the city that are open and free of charge for any symptomatic or asymptomatic person. So, whether you are exhibiting symptoms or not, you can get tested! For more information on locations and operating hours, please click here

The Texas Department of State Health Services provides updates on the disease's spread within the state.

The safety and well-being of you and your loved ones is of the utmost importance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office via email at or by phone at 915-541-1400.


Veronica Escobar
Member of Congress
