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Dear [firstname],

Take My Survey!

Census 2020

As our community faces this unprecedented public health crisis, it is imperative that every El Pasoan be counted during the 2020 Census. Completing the Census is our civic duty as we will feel its impact for years to come.  With the recent announcement that the Census data collection will end earlier than expected, on September 30th, it is more important than ever to fill yours out today. 

The Census helps determine how billions of dollars are allocated every year to hospitals, health clinics, veteran programs, schools, affordable housing, and hundreds of other critical services and programs that have a significant impact on the lives of El Pasoans.  

Responding to the Census only takes a few minutes and can be done safely and quickly from the comfort of your home. The Census can be completed online, by phone, or by mail. If you have already filled out your Census, please check with family and friends to make sure they have filled theirs out, too.

You can start by visiting or calling 1-844-468-2020 to complete it by phone. 

Skip the Visit, Call the Local Census Office Instead!

If you haven’t filled out the Census you may get a visit to your home from a Census employee starting on August 11th. Tomorrow, our local Census office will host a special event to help El Pasoans complete the Census before door knocking begins. Bilingual and local census staff will be available to help El Pasoans fill out their Census online or over the phone, and to answer any questions. 

Skip the visit! You can call (915) 314-8785 or (915) 792-1892 on August 5th between 4-7 pm MT and fill out the Census safely.

Vote Safely, Vote by Mail

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the approaching fall flu season, you should not have to choose between your health and your ability to vote. Every eligible El Pasoan should have the option to vote safely at home by requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for the November election. 

 El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal said, “The Texas Supreme Court has made clear that a voter should take into account the voter’s personal health situation in making the important decision to ask for a mail-in-ballot. The decision to claim a disability and request a mail-in ballot is a personal decision for the voter. There is no requirement that the voter have been previously declared “disabled” by a medical professional or government agency.” 

Conditions to consider in determining whether to request a vote-by-mail ballot:

  • Asthma 
  • Diabetes 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Obesity 
  • Serious heart conditions 
  • Cancer 
  • Sickle cell disease 
  • Chronic kidney disease 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Smoking 

If you determine that you have a qualifying condition, check the Disability box in section 5 on the vote by mail application found here.

Fighting for El Paso 

The COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented: 278 El Pasoans have died from COVID-19, thousands of people in our region have lost their jobs, our small businesses are hurting, and Texas and El Paso government revenues have declined sharply putting at risk the job and health security of our first responders, health care workers, and teachers.

Protecting the lives and livelihoods of all El Pasoans is my top priority. I voted for the Heroes Act almost three months ago but the Senate Republicans have yet to pass this relief package our community and country desperately needs. They need to pass the Heroes Act to respond boldly to this crisis by investing in our community, alleviating the pain of families who do not know where their next meal is coming from or how they're going to pay next month's rent, making significant investments in testing, tracing, and treatment in vulnerable communities like El Paso, and protecting our democracy.

I will continue to work with my Democratic colleagues and colleagues across the aisle to deliver the help our community and country deserves.

Constituent Services
During these unprecedented times, many of you might be experiencing some difficulties connecting with federal agencies and government offices. As your Congresswoman, it is my privilege to serve our community and assist El Pasoans to the best of my ability.

El Pasoans are encouraged to contact my office for assistance with a federal agency to inquire on your behalf. Below is information on types of services and help my office may be able to provide:

Help with a Federal Agency

If you are having trouble with a federal agency, in many instances, my office could help resolve it. Call my office if you need help at (915) 541-1400.

Here is a list of some of the Federal Agencies we can help you with:

  • Department of State
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Social Security Administration
  • National Archives
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Office of Personnel Management
  • Department of Labor
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • United States Postal Service
  • U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Education
  • Fighting for Our Servicemembers and Veterans

Supporting those who bravely serve in our armed forces is one of my top priorities. If you are a veteran, a military retiree, or are currently serving, my office can help you resolve any problem you may have with a federal agency like the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Citizenship, Immigration, and Travel Assistance

My office is here to help you navigate the immigration process. If you are experiencing a problem with citizenship, visa, or passport application, or have questions on other matters, please reach out to my office at (915) 541-1400.

Grant Applications

The federal government has many programs that can provide grant seekers funding for local and state projects. Our office is more than happy to provide grant applicants with assistance and resources for the application process. Additional information can be found on my website.

For more information about constituent services or any other issue important to you, please visit my website.

Testing and Additional Resources

The fight against COVID-19 is far from over, and this is not the time to let our guard down. We have to do our part and stay home unless we absolutely need to leave for an essential activity. We all have a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting ourselves, our family, and our community.

Because new information about COVID-19 is coming out daily, please visit my resource page on my website for the latest updates, recommendations from the CDC, and a Frequently Asked Questions section. Additionally, visit the sites below to stay up to date.

The CDC provides updates on the virus and safety information for the public and healthcare professionals, as well as Frequently Asked Questions available here

The City of El Paso is offering a hotline for residents to call for more information regarding COVID-19. The number is 915-21-COVID, or 915-212-6843. 

If you need to get tested because you believe you’ve been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms, please get tested. The City of El Paso also offers mobile testing centers throughout the city that are now open and are free of charge for any symptomatic or asymptomatic person. So, whether you are exhibiting symptoms or not, you can get tested! To make an appointment, visit TXCOVIDTest.orgor call 512-883-2400. For more information on locations and operating hours, please click here.

The Texas Department of State Health Services provides updates on the disease's spread within the state.

The safety and well-being of you and your loved ones is of the utmost importance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office via email at or by phone at 915-541-1400.


Veronica Escobar
Member of Congress
