Tour Request
All tickets are free and are provided to constituents on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the large number of visitors, please submit a request as early as possible in order to maximize the probability that all requests will be approved. Any new tour requests for those dates will be denied by the White House Visitor Center. The White House opens their calendar for tour requests three months prior to the desired date. We ask that you submit your request to our office no less than four months prior to your desired date. This will give us the opportunity to process your request and submit it on the date it opens, significantly increasing your chance at getting a White House tour. The White House will not accommodate tour requests with less than three weeks’ notice. The White House will confirm or deny tours about 2 weeks prior to your scheduled visit. An acceptance or denial is solely at the discretion of the White House Visitors Center and our office cannot guarantee any tours to the White House. |