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Federal Funding

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, Congresswoman Escobar is keenly aware of the federal government’s obligations, challenges, and opportunities in a community with a significant federal law enforcement presence, a major military installation, one of the busiest trade corridors in the country, and hundreds of colonias all at the same time. She is deeply honored to serve on a committee with such a significant ability to directly and positively impact El Paso.


El Paso

  • $2 Million to fund a Crisis Intervention Team, (CIT) for the County of El Paso. The Crisis Intervention Team is a new community partnership between the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (SO) and Emergence Health Network (EHN), the official Local Mental Health Authority.
  • $975,000 to develop the El Paso Flood Warning System for early alerts to residents and emergency responders.
  • $963,000 to fund a research initiative with El Paso manufacturers on aerospace digital engineering for mission-critical components.
  • $850,000 to fund the construction of a 1-million-gallon steel ground storage water tank, booster station, and 8,000 feet of transmission lines for the Lower Valley Water District.
  • $525,000 to establish a body-worn camera program for the El Paso Police Department
  • $500,000 to fund the acquisition of a new facility for the City of El Paso’s Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS) program.
  • $500,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency to fund water line installations, upgrades, and fire hydrant placements in the Gateway West-Sparks area under the Lower Valley Water District. 


  • $1.05 million for the rehabilitation of six (6) buildings at the historic Rio Vista Farm for reuse as a small business incubator, workforce and continuing education classrooms, and the community’s first-ever public library.
  • $1.7 Million from the USDOT’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity grants to plan and design complete street improvements for approximately 2.17 miles of Moon Road.
  • $1.05 Million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to fund the rehabilitation of six buildings at the historic Rio Vista Farm for community and economic development, including the town’s first public library.


  • $1.7 Million for the initial design and environmental study of a Transit-Oriented Development in Horizon City.


  • $6.9 Million to provide for the expansion of a looped water and sewer system with wholesale supply of treated potable water and treatment of wastewater for the local business sector.


  • $3.5 million to construct a new police station, courthouse, and emergency community shelter facility
  • $959,000 from the House Committee on Appropriations to fund upgrades and expansion of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant in the town of Anthony.
  • $959,000 from House Committee on Appropriations to fund the construction of a 1.73 MGD Water Treatment Plan that will remove arsenic from the Town’s potable groundwater supply.
  • $963,000 to fund the acquisition stationary Outdoor, License plate recognition cameras in the areas identified as a high trafficking.

El Paso Community Investments

  • $5.2 million to build a full-scale community kitchen using an existing kitchen concept at the main food bank with the capacity to prepare, serve and deliver 10,000+ meals daily to elderly, disabled homebound, and young El Pasoans
  • $800,000 for El Pasoans Fighting Hunger to create a new permanent operations center on the West side
  • $850,000 to fund the construction of a 1-million-gallon steel ground storage water tank, booster station, and 8,000 feet of transmission lines for the Lower Valley Water District.
  • $550,000 to fund the purchase of utility service vehicles including sweepers, dump trucks, and bulk waste loaders to address illegal dumping and road maintenance. 
  • $500,000 to fund water line installations, upgrades, and fire hydrant placements in the Gateway West-Sparks area under the Lower Valley Water District.

Funding specifically for colonias has historically been limited, forcing localities to either go it alone or compete for broader community resources. Thanks to language authored by Congresswoman Escobar in the FY23 NDAA—based on her bill, the Colonia Infrastructure Improvement Act —the Wastewater Assistance to Colonias program was reauthorized with $500 million over five years and a reduced local cost-share.

More specific funding on Education & Workforce, Environment, Economy, Immigration, Military and &Veterans, or Transportation & Infrastructure can be found on their individual pages. 

Please note: Property taxes are not set at the federal level, and as such are not in the Congresswoman's jurisdiction.

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