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Important Issues

As your representative in Congress, I am dedicated to working for the people of El Paso. During my first term in office I have focused on cleaning up corruption in Washington, lowering health care and prescription drug costs, defending our nation’s values, and advocating for our service members and their families.

Scroll down to see where I stand on the issues and learn how I am taking the lead to solve some of America's most pressing challenges.

Civil Rights

Our founding fathers envisioned a country rooted in democratic values, a country in consistent pursuit of a more perfect union. Every person has a place in this country, and I'm proud to defend all Americans regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, disability, sex, or identity.

During my time in Congress, I have:  

Co-sponsored the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act;
Co-sponsored the Equality Act;
Co-sponsored the Respect for Marriage Act 

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Defense and National Security

El Paso is home to Fort Bliss Army Base, a major power projection site and strategic asset for our national defense. For many soldiers, we are the last stop before they deploy and the first to welcome them home when they return.  
As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, servicemembers are always top of mind. I’m proud of the work I’ve accomplished throughout my time in Congress, including securing millions in funds for infrastructure upgrades at Fort Bliss, including for housing, voting for pay raises for our troops, protecting Castner Range forever in collaboration with the Army, and so much more. 

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Economy and Jobs

After COVID, all countries across the globe saw an inflation hike. Thankfully, we are seeing falling inflation and rising wages as well as a record-number of new jobs. But our work is not finished, which is why I have supported legislation to address many of the economic challenges we’ve been grappling with.

I was the only Member in our region to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act to:

Save the average family $1,025/year on energy costs;
Extend affordable health insurance coverage to 13 million people;
Cap senior drug costs at $2,000/year including $35/month for those on Medicare;
Allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices;
Extend $7,500 tax credits for EVs made in America;
Create a new $4,000 tax credit for all used EVs;
Extend the 30% residential solar tax credit through 2033

In order to further help our community, I have also supported legislation to lower costs and help El Pasoans fight inflation by voting to advance:  

H.R. 7688, the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act;
H.R. 7606, the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act;
H.R. 8150, the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022

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I believe education is the surest path to success. From pre-k to college and beyond, it is imperative that Congress makes high-quality education accessible and affordable to all. We must prepare El Pasoans for the workforce and make sure that they can get jobs in this ever-increasing global economy. I am committed to ensuring that every student coming out of our public schools has the best possible education and tools they need to obtain a higher education. I am also committed to uplifting our teachers and making sure they have a salary that reflects their invaluable work.

I’ve cosponsored legislation such as the Youth Workforce Readiness Act to ensure young adults are prepared to join the work force, the Rebuild America’s Schools Act of 2023 to repair our schools, and more. 

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Environment and Energy

Too often, minority communities have borne the brunt of irresponsible environmental policies while also being inappropriately excluded from decision-making. I believe in energy and environment policy that benefits all communities and preserves public lands for public use. We must work together to promote research and development in clean energy, bolster nascent green energy technologies, protect wild public lands, and keep our environment healthy in perpetuity. 
In addition to leading the charge to protect and preserve Castner Range as a national monument, I’ve voted for bills like the Inflation Reduction Act and helped form and work with local groups like El Paso’s Climate Crisis Advisory Committee to identify our community’s unique climate challenges. I’ve also introduced the Climate Adaptation Plan Act of 2023 to establish a grant program for local governments to fight climate change. Through legislation and community-based work, I’m fighting to ensure future generations have a healthy planet.   View Issue Related News

Gun Violence Prevention

Common-sense gun violence prevention, such as requiring universal background checks and banning assault weapons, has been a top priority for me. Our community knows firsthand the cost of gun violence, and I’ve dedicated my time in Congress working to protect Americans from senseless gun violence. One of the first bills I co-sponsored in Congress on gun violence prevention was the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019.

Since then, I have also:

Voted several times for assault weapons bans (H.R. 1808) and enhanced background checks (H.R. 1446);
Voted for the passage of the Protecting Our Kids Act;
Voted for the passage of the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act;
Voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which became the first gun violence prevention legislation signed into law in over 3 decades;
Introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives, declaring gun violence a public health crisis;
Joined House Democrats in filing three discharge petitions - a maneuver used to bypass traditional House procedures and rush legislation for passage - for enhanced background checks, an assault weapons ban, and universal background checks;
Introduced the Disarm Hate Act;
Introduced the Active Shooter Alert Act;
Introduced and the El Paso Healing Garden Memorial to commemorate the August 3rd El Paso Shooting and make it a National Memorial which was signed into law

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Healthcare is a right every American should enjoy, yet El Paso County still has one of the highest uninsured rates in Texas. With out-of-pocket costs and premiums soaring, it is crucial for Congress to come up with solutions for everyday Americans.

I’m a cosponsor of bills like the Medicare for All Act that builds upon and expands Medicare to provide comprehensive benefits to every person in the United States, the Affordable Insulin Now Act which limits cost-sharing for insulin under private health insurance, and other legislation to improve overall access to high-quality, reliable healthcare.  

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Congress hasn’t reformed our antiquated immigration laws in decades! El Paso has witnessed firsthand the impact of a broken immigration system. That is why I’m proud to support and put forth policies that help progress comprehensive immigration reform.

During my time in Congress, I have introduced the Dignity Act— a historic, bipartisan immigration reform bill which:

Manages the border by reforming outdated immigration processes;
Ensures Border Patrol agents are back out on the line instead of performing administrative and humanitarian tasks;  
Invests $10 billion in infrastructure and technology at our land ports of entry;
Ensures El Pasoans don’t shoulder the cost of housing migrants by making the Shelter and Services Program permanent;  
Creates additional pathways to citizenship, including a path to citizenship for DREAMers, legal protections through the new Dignity program, Certified Agricultural Worker status, and an option to pursue citizenship through service in the armed forces for interested Dignity recipients;  
Establishes new pathways for asylum seekers and creates new regional processing centers in Latin America;  
Creates new legal pathways for economic migrants and unaccompanied minors.

In addition to the Dignity Act, I've also:

Cosponsored the Dream and Promise Act;
Cosponsored the U.S. Citizenship Act;  
Introduced the Homeland Security Improvement Act;  
Introduced the American Families United Act; 
Introduced the Reimagining Asylum Processing Act  

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Senior Citizens

In my time in Congress, I have worked to protect health care benefits for all. I am proud to cosponsor bills, like the Social Security 2100 Act, that will boost Medicare for seniors and ensure that Social Security is solvent for the good of our nation. This bill would increase benefits by 2% across the board for all Social Security beneficiaries for the first time in 52 years and improve the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), so it reflects the inflation actually experienced by seniors, and more.  View Issue Related News


Supporting veterans involves more than just words of appreciation for their ultimate sacrifice; it requires concrete actions, including securing adequate funding for programs and services tailored to their needs. By allocating sufficient resources to healthcare, mental health services, job training, and other essential programs, we can ensure veterans receive the support they need to transition successfully into civilian life.  

With over 50,000 veterans living in our community, I make it a priority to ensure that our veterans are taken care of. Securing funding for veterans demonstrates a commitment to honoring their service and upholding the promises made to those who have sacrificed so much for our country.  

That’s why I have proudly voted for legislation like the PACT Act that grants veterans who were exposed to burn pits and harmful chemicals during their service the healthcare they need and deserve. I also voted for H.R. 733, the Veterans Census-Enabled National Treatment Equitable Resource Supplement for Mental Health Act of 2023 (Vet CENTERS for Mental Health Act) to provide resources to veterans that face unique mental health challenges when reacclimating to civilian life. I have also supported the $700 million in funding for the construction of the new El Paso Veteran Health Care Center. Our veterans deserve better accessibility to quality care, and I will continue to advocate on their behalf. Making veterans’ lives easier involves implementing comprehensive support systems tailored to their unique needs, ensuring they can navigate post-service challenges with dignity and ease. 

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