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Know Your Rights

The U.S. Constitution guarantees certain basic rights to everyone living in this country, even undocumented immigrants, no matter who is president.

***This information should not be construed as legal advice. For such advice, consult an immigration attorney***

Flyer available here.

If Approached by ICE Agents or Police

  • You do NOT have to reveal your immigration status and have the right to remain silent.

If ICE Agents Come to Your Home

  • You do NOT have to open the door
  • Ask to see a search warrant through the window or for it to be slipped under the door.
  • A deportation warrant is NOT the same as a search warrant and does NOT authorize ICE agents to enter the home without permission.
  • You have the right to refuse ICE permission to enter your home if the agents do not present a search warrant signed by a judge.
  • If ICE enters without a valid warrant, ask for the agents' names and badge numbers.

If You Are Arrested or Being Detained

  • You have the right to speak to a lawyer immediately.
  • You have the right to remain silent and refuse to sign any documents without advice from an attorney.



La Constitución de los Estados Unidos garantiza ciertos derechos básicos a todas las personas que viven en este país, incluso a los inmigrantes indocumentados, sin importar quién sea el presidente.

***Esta información no debe ser interpretada como consejo legal. Para este tipo de consejo, consulte a un abogado de inmigración***


Si Agentes de ICE o la Policía se le Acerca

  • NO tienes que revelar tu estado de inmigración y tienes derecho a permanecer en silencio.

Si Agentes de ICE Vienen a Su Casa

  • NO tienes que abrir la puerta.
  • Pide una orden de allanamiento y que se lo enseñen por la ventana o que lo deslicen por debajo de la puerta.
  • Una orden de deportación NO es lo mismo que una orden de allanamiento y NO autoriza a los agentes de ICE a entrar a la casa sin permiso.
  • Tienes el derecho de rechazar el ingreso de ICE a su casa si los agentes no presentan una orden de allanamiento firmada por un juez.
  • Si ICE entra sin una orden válida, pregunte por los nombres de los agentes y los números de identificación.

Si Estás Arrestado o Detenido

  • Tienes derecho de hablar con un abogado inmediatamente.
  • Tienes derecho a permanecer en silencio y negar a firmar cualquier documento sin el asesoramiento de un abogado.
Versión imprimible en español se encuentra aquí.

Federal Employees

Federal Whistleblowers

To the Brave Public Servants and Whistleblowers,

We write to you today deeply committed to transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. Senate Democrats recognize that whistleblowers are the backbone of government oversight and accountability. Whistleblowers are essential in helping uncover fraud and abuse in the federal government. If you have information you want to share about wrongdoing, abuse of power, and threats to public safety, we stand ready to support you in your pursuit of truth and justice.

The Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) prohibits retaliation against federal employees who disclose evidence of wrongdoing. This landmark legislation is a crucial safeguard against corruption and abuse of power, reinforcing the principle that those who act in the public interest should not suffer personal or professional harm. The protections it provides are essential to maintaining a transparent and accountable government.

Led by the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC), Senate Democrats have been working tirelessly to investigate the recent actions of the Trump Administration. Through oversight requests, hearings, and inquiries, our caucus is determined to hold accountable those who have engaged in lawless actions that undermine our democracy, and the courageous disclosures of whistleblowers will be invaluable to that mission.

As Senate Republicans refuse to fulfill their constitutional duty to provide a check on the Executive Branch, Senate Democrats remain steadfast in our commitment to uncovering the truth. We are prepared to issue demand letters, preserve public records, conduct public hearings, and pursue legal action where necessary. If you would like to submit a whistleblower complaint, you can submit it here.

Resources for Whistleblowers

  1. Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds
  2. Whistleblower Protection Act: A Legal Overview
  3. Government Accountability Project
  4. National Whistleblower Center
  5. Senate Democrats Whistleblower Portal


Your courage in stepping forward to expose corruption, misconduct, and incompetence is essential to preserving the integrity of our democratic institutions.


Democratic Leader Schumer & HSGAC Ranking Member Peters

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