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NBC News: Veronica Escobar made history in Congress. Now she's on the front lines of the border battle.

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By Phillip Mena, Cora Cervantes and Suzanne Gamboa When Rep. Veronica Escobar thinks of her hometown, what comes to mind is the more than 100-year-old dairy farm that generations of Escobars have owned and worked. Escobar, who grew up in this border city on Texas’ westernmost tip, thinks of her father delivering milk even while working as the El Paso County engineer. She…

Houston Chronicle Op-Ed: Border Debate Cant Happen Under Threat of Another Shutdown

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By Congresswoman Veronica Escobar Attempting to negotiate “border security” during a government shutdown, while hundreds of thousands of federal employees and their families struggled to stay afloat and communities were left reeling from the economic impact, was not only contrary to the democratic process, but it also all but guaranteed a terrible outcome for immigrants and the…

El New York Times Op-Ed: Trump Empeora La Crisis Fronteriza

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Tags: Congress

Por Veronica Escobar Durante este último mes, he viajado a El Paso y al sur de Nuevo México como parte de tres delegaciones del congreso. Hablamos con los cuerpos de seguridad federales, recorrimos centros de detención y estaciones de la Patrulla Fronteriza y escuchamos a defensores de derechos humanos y jurídicos que han trabajado con migrantes desde hace décadas. Algunos de…

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