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Congresswoman Escobar Statement on Legislation Reforming Immigration Laws to Keep American Families Together

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16), a member of the Immigration and Citizenship Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, released the following statement after the House Judiciary Committee voted to advance her bill H.R. 2920, the “American Families United Act,” out of committee late last night:

“For decades, too many American families have been forced to live apart from one another or in fear of separation because of our country’s broken immigration system. Americans recognize that restoring legal pathways for immigrants and keeping families together is both in our country’s best interest and also what is right.

For years, we’ve been working to advance this bill for people like my constituent, Edgar Falcon, who inspired this bill, so that he and his family can finally be free to live together in the United States, as they always intended.

I thank Chairman Nadler and Chairwoman Lofgren for bringing this bill up for a vote and see this as a crucial step in the right direction to both modernize our immigration system and finally rectify some of its profound failures. I look forward to the American Families United Act advancing to the House floor and will continue to advocate on behalf of the millions of Americans and their family members who would benefit from this legislation.”

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