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Congresswoman Escobar Votes to Uncover the Truth of January 6th Attack, Establish Independent, Bipartisan Commission

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) voted for H.R. 3233, legislation to establish an independent, bipartisan 9/11-type commission to examine and report upon the facts, causes and security failures relating to the deadly domestic terrorism attack on our democracy on January 6th, 2021. 

“On January 6, America and the world witnessed a deadly insurrection that was inspired and incited by Donald Trump and his enablers. This was more than just an attack on the U.S. Capitol – it was an assault on our democracy that brought America to her knees,” said Congresswoman Escobar. “Our nation must seek to reveal the details behind the attack, expose what brought us to that moment, and take action to ensure that it can never happen again. That is why today I voted with pride and patriotism to establish the January 6th Commission. This Commission will honor the Capitol Police who put their lives on the line to protect Members of Congress, staff, and workers and protect our nation against future domestic terrorist attacks on our temple of democracy.” 

On January 6th, 2021, the United States Capitol was attacked by hundreds of insurrectionists as the Congress voted to validate the results of the 2020 presidential election. The storming of the U.S. Capitol threatened the lives of Members of Congress, staff, workers, and law enforcement officers from the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia and the U.S. Capitol Police – resulting in five deaths, more than 140 injuries to officers, and lasting terror and trauma. In the wake of the worst attack on our Capitol since the British set the Capitol on fire in 1814, many unanswered questions remain.

That is why the bipartisan leadership of the House Homeland Security Committee worked hard to reach a bipartisan agreement on an independent and impartial commission to investigate the attack and recommend improvements to Capitol security. This Commission closely mirrors the 9/11 Commission.

Key features of the Commission:

  • The Commission will be charged with:
    • Investigating and reporting upon the facts and causes of the January 6th attack on the Capitol as well as the influencing factors that may have provoked the attack on our democracy; 
    • Examining and evaluating evidence developed by relevant Federal, State, and local governments, in a manner that is respectful of ongoing investigations, regarding the facts and circumstances of the attack; 
    • Building upon other investigations regarding the attack and targeted violence and domestic terrorism related to such attack; and
    • Reporting to the President and Congress regarding its findings, conclusions, and recommendations for corrective measures taken to prevent future acts of targeted violence and domestic terrorism, including against American democratic institutions, improve the security posture of the United States Capitol Complex in a manner that preserves the accessibility of the Capitol Complex for all Americans, and strengthen the security and resilience of nation and American democratic institutions against domestic terrorism.
  • Like the 9/11 Commission, the measure establishes a 10-person bipartisan commission with five commissioners, including the Chair, appointed by the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate and five commissioners, including the Vice Chair, appointed by the Minority Leaders of the House and Senate.
  • Commissioners must have significant expertise in the areas of law enforcement, civil rights, civil liberties, privacy, intelligence, and cybersecurity. Current government officers or employees are prohibited from appointment.
  • Like the 9/11 Commission, the Commission will be granted authority to issue subpoenas to secure information to carry out its investigation but only upon agreement between the Chair and the Vice Chair or a vote by a majority of Commission members.
  • The Commission will be required to issue a final report with findings regarding the facts and causes of the attack, along with recommendations to prevent future attacks on our democratic institutions, by December 31, 2021. 


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