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Congresswoman Escobar Statement on House Passage of Gun Safety Legislation

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) issued the following statement after this week’s floor votes on gun safety legislation, including H.R. 7910, the Protecting Our Kids Act, and H.R. 2377, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act

“For far too long, Americans have suffered the cost of inaction. With tens of thousands of lives taken or forever impacted by gun violence annually, there is nothing in our legislation that is even remotely unreasonable. In fact, the American people are demanding this action and these bills are wildly popular – supported by almost nine in ten people. Despite the public support, despite the carnage, and despite the fact that had these bills been law, they could’ve saved lives, only five Republicans had the courage to support them. Over two hundred Republicans voted against these common-sense, life-saving measures. My Republican colleagues refuse to act and their inaction has cost lives. 

The bills passed on the House floor this week are monumental pieces of legislation and are only the beginning of several steps House Democrats are taking in the fight against gun violence. In the coming weeks, the Active Shooter Alert Act to create an AMBER Alert-style notification during a mass shooting will be brought to the House floor and a hearing will be held to advance an assault weapon bans bill: a step Congress took decades ago that was proven to save lives and one that the American people continue to support today. 

The House of Representatives has taken action and will continue to do so; I urge Senate Republicans to join us in the fight to get life-saving legislation over the finish line. Protecting children from gun violence must be a unifying mission for our nation, and we will not rest until the job is done.

I’m proud to have voted for the passage of the Protecting Our Kids Act and the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act. The people of El Paso can continue to count on my support for common-sense gun safety reforms and measures.” 

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