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Previous Community Project Funding Requests

Fiscal Year 2025 Submissions:  

If you are one of the 15 projects that Rep. Escobar selected for FY25, unfortunately we do not have an update at this time as to whether or not these projects will be included in a final FY25 funding package.

Project Name: Ysleta Port of Entry Engineering Project-Design  
Requesting Entity: City of El Paso 
Address: 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, TX 79901 
Amount Requested: $4,000,000
Amount Awarded: $3,000,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for a project-specific design for the expansion of the Ysleta Port of Entry. 
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Innovation Factory Phase II 
Requesting Entity: City of El Paso
Address: 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $3,000,000 
Amount Awarded: $250,000
Project Description:
 The funding would be used to construct the Advanced Manufacturing District (AMD) Innovation Factory which involves developing nine modular Maker Spaces, back-office support, environmental management, product design and value chain, and access to advanced manufacturing, testing, and evaluation equipment. 
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Animal Welfare Shelter to Serve Unincorporated Area
Requesting Entity: County of El Paso, TX
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $4,000,000
Amount Awarded: $1,250,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the construction of a County Animal Shelter and Clinic.
Nexus Letter

Project Name: East Montana Water Tower   
Requesting Entity: County of El Paso, TX 
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, Texas 79901 
Amount Requested: $2,400,000 
Amount Awarded: $1,105,800
Project Description: The funding would be used for the design and construction of the East Montana Water Tower, a 750,000-gallon elevated storage facility to supplement an existing and aging 75,000-gallon water tower. 
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Corbin Sambrano Community Center
Requesting Entity: County of El Paso, TX
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $3,000,000
Amount Awarded: $850,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for blight removal and clean up, site remediation, foundational soil preparation, and construction of the Corbin Sambrano Community Center.
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Transforming Juvenile Justice through Education Facility Expansion
Requesting Entity: County of El Paso Juvenile Justice Center
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $4,000,000
Amount Awarded: $850,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the acquisition of equipment, furniture, and a prefabricated structure to support vocational and educational programs at the Challenge Academy.
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Paso del Norte Trail – Socorro Spine Alignment  
Requesting Entity: City of Socorro, Texas 
Address: 124 Horizon Blvd., Socorro, Texas 79927 
Amount Requested: $5,000,000 
Amount Awarded: $250,000
Project Description:
 The funding would be used for the engineering and construction of  a 3-mile connection between Ysleta and Socorro along Alameda Ave.  
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Town of Anthony Police Department Command Post and Technology 
Requesting Entity: Town of Anthony TX Police Department  
Address: 401 Wildcat DR. Anthony, TX. 79821 
Amount Requested: $1,500,000 
Amount Awarded: $1,184,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to acquire a mobile command post and technology. 
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Housing Authority of the Town of Anthony Home Upgrades
Requesting Entity: Housing Authority of the Town of Anthony, Texas
Address: 1007 Franklin St., Anthony, Texas 79821
Amount Requested: $1,500.000
Amount Awarded: $1,000,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to address critical renovations and upgrades to 26 Public Housing units that require extensive internal and external remodeling, including updates to electrical, gas, and water plumbing systems.
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Village of Vinton City Hall Renovation and Expansion 
Requesting Entity: Village of Vinton 
Address: 436 E. Vinton Rd., Vinton, Texas 79821. 
Amount Requested: $1,563,239.82 
Amount Awarded: $1,000,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the renovation, demolishing, and expansion of the Vinton city hall building. 
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Manufacturing Research for All Domain Attritable Autonomous Systems  
Requesting Entity: El Paso Makes 
Address: 501 George Perry Blvd 
Amount Requested: $2,200,000 
Amount Awarded: $1,184,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to initiate a manufacturing research project with El Paso small and medium manufacturers to develop manufacturing models enabled by digital engineering and automation capabilities to support United States goals to produce All Domain Attritable Autonomous Systems (ADA2) to counter China’s military.  
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Alberta Avenue Storm and Sanitary Sewer/Domestic Water Improvements 
Requesting Entity: El Paso County Hospital District d/b/a University Medical Center of El Paso 
Address: 4815 Alameda Ave. El Paso, TX 79905 
Amount Requested: $1,847,067.25
Amount Awarded: $1,150,791
Project Description: The funding would be used to replace the existing underground stormwater, sanitary sewer, and domestic water systems of UMC.  
Nexus Letter

Project Name: TTUHSC El Paso Oncology Center Research Initiative  
Requesting Entity: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso 
Address: 5001 El Paso Drive El Paso, Texas 79905  
Amount Requested: $3,000,000 
Amount Awarded: $1,184,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to acquire research equipment such as linear accelerators, or LINAC, to research the biological and therapeutic effects of varying dose of radiations on the body. 
Nexus Letter

Project Name: Regional Interoperable Communications Upgrades  
Requesting Entity: 
Rio Grande Council of Governments  
8037 Lockheed, Ste. 100, El Paso, Texas 79925 
Amount Requested:
Amount Awarded: $1,184,000
Project Description: 
The funding would be used to acquire and replace end-of-life or upgrade mobile and portable radios, also known as subscriber units. 
Nexus Letter

Project Name:
 Regional Food Production, Distribution and Workforce Development Center
Requesting Entity: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Address: 1380 A&M Circle, El Paso, TX 79927.
Amount Requested: $3,200,000
Amount Awarded: $250,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to acquire and upgrade a 24,556 square foot, large scale, food production, inspection, and distribution facility as a regional, full-scale Food Production, Distribution, and Workforce Center. 
Nexus Letter

Submitted Projects for Fiscal Year 2024

Project Name: Nuevo Hueco Tanks Ground Storage Water Tank
Recipient: Lower Valley Water District
Address: 1557 FM 1110, Clint, Texas 79836
Amount Requested: $3,000,000
Amount Rewarded: $850,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the construction of a steel ground storage tank that will hold one-million gallons, a booster station, as well as approximately 8,000 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron transmission lines to connect to existing transmission lines.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Gateway West-Sparks Water Project
Recipient: Lower Valley Water District
Address: 1557 FM 1110, Clint, Texas 79836
Amount Requested: $1,700,000
Amount Rewarded: $500,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the installation of 9,019 linear feet of 12-inch PVC pipe, 42 linear feet of 8-inch PVC pipe, connecting new service lines and upgrading old service lines and replacing them with new lines, as well as installing fire hydrants.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Town of Anthony Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)
Recipient: Town of Anthony
Address: 1010 S. Main St, Anthony, TX, 79821
Amount Requested: $2,065,938.00
Amount Rewarded: $959,752
Project Description: The funding would be used for upgrades and expansion of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in the town of Anthony.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: 
Arsenic Treatment Plant and Associated Raw & Treated Water Pipelines
Recipient: Town of Anthony
Address: 401 Wildcat Dr, Anthony, TX 79821
Amount Requested: $4,688,687.00
Amount Rewarded: $959,752
Project Description: The funding would be used for final design and construction of a 1.73 MGD Water Treatment Plan that will remove arsenic from the Town’s potable groundwater supply.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name:
 Replacing Aging Emergency Generator and Adding Solar Capacity
University Medical Center of El Paso
4815 Alameda Ave., El Paso, TX 79905
Amount Requested: 
Amount Rewarded: $1,383,069
Project Description: The funding would be used to replace the University Medical Center's aging 2.5MW emergency generator and add power storage and solar capacity to the hospital.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Aerospace Digital Engineering Research
Recipient: National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining
Address: 521 Texas Ave., El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: 2,200,000
Amount Rewarded: $963,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to initiate a research project with El Paso manufacturers to develop pathways using cutting edge research and innovation to produce mission-critical and flight-qualified components and sub-assemblies through the state-of-the-art digital engineering.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter 

Project Name: El Paso County (EPWater Flood Warning System)
Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Address: 4101 Jefferson Plaza NE, New Mexico, Albuquerque 87109
Amount Requested: $3,000,000
Amount Rewarded: $975,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to develop the El Paso Flood Warning System to alert residents, businesses, planners, and emergency response personnel about potential flooding in El Paso County before it occurs or as soon as possible after it begins.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Collective Training Barracks (Planning and Design)
Recipient: Fort Bliss
Address: 1733 Pleasonton Road, USAG Fort Bliss, Texas 79906
Amount Requested: $7,200,000
Amount Rewarded: $7,200,000
Project Description: This funding would be used for the Planning and Design of Collective Training Barracks required to provide housing for the many transient soldiers from Army Active, Army National Guard, and the Army Reserve supported by Fort Bliss. 
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: El Pasoans Fighting Hunger West
Recipient: El Pasoans Fighting Hunger
Address: 9541 Plaza Circle, El Paso, TX 79927
Amount Requested: $6,500,000
Amount Rewarded: $800,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to construct a new permanent operations center in the westernmost part of El Paso County that is historically underserved and lacks access to stable food assistance resources.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Rural Utility Service Vehicles (PW)
Recipient: County of El Paso
Address: 500 E. San Antonio Ave, El Paso, Texas 79901
Amount Requested: $4,000,000
Amount Rewarded: $550,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the acquisition of new equipment, including four street box sweepers, five tandem dump trunks, five truck tractors, and four grappler bulk waste loader trucks will help facilitate the swift removal of illegally dumped waste and the cleaning of roadways.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Rio Vista Rehabilitation
Recipient: City of Socorro
Address: 124 Horizon Blvd, Socorro, Texas 79927
Amount Requested: $8,400,000
Amount Rewarded: $1,050,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the rehabilitation of six (6) buildings at the historic Rio Vista Farm for reuse as a small business incubator, workforce and continuing education classrooms, and the community’s first-ever public library.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name:
 Sun Metro Micro Transit
Recipient: City of El Paso
Address: 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $750,000
Amount Rewarded: $720,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to purchase a small fleet of electric micro-transit vehicles, charging infrastructure, and appurtenances. 
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Terminal Bridge Reconstruction
Recipient: City of El Paso
Address: 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $3,000,000
Amount Rewarded: $850,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to develop the Terminal Bridge Reconstruction Project (Project). The Project includes design and reconstruction of the Terminal Bridge, which serves as the primary exit from the El Paso International Airport. 
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS) Facility Acquisition and Expansion
Recipient: City of El Paso
Address: 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $2,500,000
Amount Rewarded: $500,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the acquisition of a new facility to house the Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS) program.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Project Name: Police Department Technology Augmentation
Recipient: Town of Anthony
Address: 401 Wildcat Dr, Anthony, TX 79821
Amount Requested: $1,500,000
Amount Rewarded: $963,000
Project Description: The funding would be used for the acquisition stationary Outdoor, License plate recognition cameras in the areas identified as a high trafficking.
Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Submitted Projects for Fiscal Year 2023

Below you will find the projects my office submitted to the Appropriations Committee during the Fiscal Year 2023 Community Project Funding request cycle.

To view submitted projects from 2022, click here.

Projects Submitted:

Project Name: El Paso Children’s Hospital Pediatric Mobile Clinic
Recipient: El Paso Children’s Hospital
Address: 4845 Alameda Ave, El Paso, TX 79905
Amount Requested: $595,000
Project Description: This project would be used for the acquisition of a mobile medical vehicle and the ability to outfit it with technology and equipment necessary for a Mobile Pediatric Clinic. The Mobile Clinic will be able to provide both basic and specialty pediatric healthcare throughout El Paso County while targeting areas in the County that oftentimes lack access to pediatric care and medical resources. Additionally, the unit will provide clinical services, vaccinations, financial education and resources for parents, and education with school district nurses and teachers.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: El Paso International Airport Solar Covered Parking Project
Recipient: City of El Paso
Address: 300 N. Campbell, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $1,750,000
Project Description: This project would be used to design and construct a solar covered parking facility located directly in front of the terminal in short term parking. The 2.5 acre system is expected to generate 1.5MW of solar which will offset 2.1MW consumed by the Terminal annually.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: El Paso ISD After-School Community Learning Centers: Broadening STEAM Learning Ecosystems
Recipient: El Paso Independent School District
Address: 1014 N. Stanton Street, El Paso, TX 79902
Amount Requested: $2,000,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to bridge academic and equity gaps in the south side of El Paso by offering after-school enrichment centers focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM), literacy, social emotional development, and health and fitness. The goal of the program will be to positively impact the trajectories of at-risk students into STEAM careers through the establishment of after-school enrichment centers at south side campuses. The program will provide wraparound support that promotes academic excellence by focusing on character building, physical activity, and academic tutoring and enrichment. This program will engage students to increase attendance, improve academic performance, and reduce disciplinary referrals.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: Heritage Tourism Business Connection
Recipient: El Paso County
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, Texas 79901
Amount Requested: $500,000
Project Description: This project would be used to launch a business retention and expansion effort for businesses along El Paso County’s historic Mission Trail, which stretches from the eastern edge of the City of El Paso, includes the City of Socorro, the San Elizario Historic District and the Town of Tornillo. The program would provide training and counseling for entrepreneurs as well as skills development for employees to help bolster the tourism industry in El Paso County. Entrepreneurs targeted by the program would include small business owners situated along the Mission Trail corridor including heritage tourism and ecotourism operators.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: SAC 1 Sediment Detention Basin
Recipient: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District
Address: 4101 Jefferson Plaza NE Albuquerque, NM 87109
Amount Requested: $4,630,000
Project Description: This project would be used to construct a 34-acre-foot desilting basin strategically placed to detain peak flows and sediment affecting the RV Channel (located south of project site). The objective is to construct a desilting basin that will detain peak flows and sediment affecting the RV Channel, street crossings, residential, commercial and agricultural land. This project will also prevent erosion and collapse of downstream structures some of which have already been reconstructed due to failure caused by the accumulation of sediment and will protect the existing structures from future damage.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: TTUHCEP El Paso Border Health Center
Recipient: Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso
Address: 5001 El Paso Drive, El Paso, TX, 79905
Amount Requested: $5,070,000
Project Description: This project would be used to target at-risk communities in the border region, leveraging community and clinical partners, to conduct early diagnosis and monitoring, as well as to provide telemedicine services and surveillance for obesity, diabetes, and cancer. With the equipment purchased for this project – including computers, equipment, and other health information technology devices for data storage and analysis –the center would be able to provide generational care to families in the region, particularly in the colonias, establish an electronic health records system, and conduct evidence-based diabetes and cancer research. This request will support a unique collaboration in the region between local physicians, nurses, biomedical researchers, public health researchers, promatoras, and students.
Financial Disclosure Letter

 Project Name: Town of Anthony, Texas Police Department, Municipal Court, and Emergency Shelter Facility
Recipient: Town of Anthony, Texas
Address: 401 Wildcat Dr, Anthony, Texas 79821
Amount Requested: $3,500,000
Project Description: This project would be used to construct a new police station, courthouse, and emergency community shelter facility. Currently the police department and courthouse are housed in the same building as the town hall and other public services and does not have an emergency shelter. The current facility is too small to sustain all of these essential services and building a new facility for the police department, courthouse, and an emergency community shelter complex will allow Anthony to keep up with the community’s growth, safety, and tourism.
Financial Disclosure Letter

 Project Name: El Paso County Animal Welfare Pet Wellness Clinic
Recipient: El Paso County
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, Texas 79901
Amount Requested: $1,300,000
Project Description: The funding would be used to renovate an existing property into an animal wellness clinic that will offer high-volume spay and neuter programs, as well as vaccinations and microchips to track responsible ownership. In El Paso County there are few organizations that offer low to no cost versions of these procedures and this project would directly address this issue.
Financial Disclosure Letter

 Project Name: El Paso County Senior Meal and Community Kitchen
Recipient: El Paso County
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, Texas 79901
Amount Requested: $5,200,000
Project Description: This project would be used to build a full-scale community kitchen using an existing kitchen concept at the main food bank with the capacity to prepare, serve and deliver 10,000+ meals daily to elderly, disabled homebound, and youth populations as well as meet any emergent meal needs of the community during natural disasters or public health emergencies such as a pandemic. Once completed, the community kitchen along with other food bank services will serve as a teaching facility providing training and workforce development in culinary skills, warehousing, forklift operation, CDL driving and other vocational trades in coordination with the County of El Paso's Reentry/Transitional Center.
Financial Disclosure Letter


 Project Name: Fabens Airport Fuel Farm & AWOS Improvements
Recipient: El Paso County
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, Texas 79901
Amount Requested: $1,700,000
Project Description: This project would be used to introduce new and modern weather instruments to the Fabens Airport while also creating a way to offer jet fuel to aviation customers. The improvements to be developed through this proposed program align with our shared goals of enhancing activity at the airport by providing access to jet fuel to provide fuel alternative options and providing pilots with the fundamental tools and data necessary for landing and takes offs. Currently, pilots landing at the facility must rely on data from El Paso International Airport, a facility located in the middle of urban El Paso nearly 25 miles away.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: Horizon City Transit-Oriented Development Phase 1
Recipient: Town of Horizon City
Address: 14999 Darrington Road, Horizon City, TX 79928.
Amount Requested: $1,735,000
Project Description: This project would be used for the initial design and environmental study of a Transit-Oriented Development in Horizon City. Specifically, it would be used for the design and environmental study for the design of Dilley and Delake Drives and for the design and environmental study of a transit plaza. The Transit Oriented Development is intended to provide opportunities for Horizon City residents to live, work and play in a compact area. By creating this development, Horizon City intends to also strengthen its resiliency by diversifying its tax base and revenues. The transit plaza will serve as a hub for transit routes that will provide access to residents in the TOD area, as well as Horizon City as a whole, to educational facilities in east El Paso County and at the University of Texas at El Paso campus and Rio Grande campus of El Paso Community College.
Financial Disclosure Letter

 Project Name: La Casa de los Abuelitos
Recipient: Opportunity for the Homeless
Address: 1208 Myrtle Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79901
Amount Requested: $2,442,706
Project Description: This project would be used to construct a new Abuelitos facility as a permanent home for El Paso’s elderly and frail homeless male population. The facility will be comprised of both transitional (shelter) and permanent beds and will specifically target homeless men who are harder to serve, those who are frail, in need of additional support services, and most at risk in a normal shelter setting. Utilizing a vacant lot at 150 Brown Street, this proposal involves the development of a new housing facility with 31 beds that will be designed to address the needs of a more elderly and frail population that will include ADA-compliant showers, restrooms, etc. The facility will also include a kitchen/dining area, office space, laundry room, and other essential components.
Financial Disclosure Letter

 Project Name: Planning Study to Improve Land Border Crossing Transit and Pedestrian Connectivity to Business Districts in the El Paso Region for Equity, Accessibility and Economic Development
Recipient: Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Address: 1111 Rellis Pkwy, Bryan, Texas 77807
Amount Requested: $1,500,000
Project Description: This project would be used for a planning study to improve land border crossing transit and pedestrian connectivity to business districts in the El Paso region. Land border crossings are a critical economic activity link for U.S. retail businesses and residents in their immediate surroundings and in the lower income neighborhoods they often connect to, as well as for businesses located elsewhere in the community. Additionally, the areas in the vicinity of land border crossings, along with their adjoining commercial/industrial areas and medical districts have often experienced years of disinvestment, rely on mass transit, and suffer of high traffic incident rates and poor air quality. This study will complement existing community efforts by identifying specific improvements needed to connect transit and pedestrian traffic between the land border crossings with the highest pedestrian traffic and the business, medical and residential districts in their surroundings as well as other major points of attraction throughout the El Paso region. 
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: Vinton Water and Wastewater Phase III
Recipient: Village of Vinton
Address: 436 E. Vinton Rd., Vinton, TX 79821
Amount Requested: $6,960,000
Project Description: This project would be used to provide for the expansion of a looped water and sewer system with wholesale supply of treated potable water and treatment of wastewater for the local business sector. The proposed system includes approximately 21,600 linear feet of 8-to-12-inch waterline, one master meter, 44 fire hydrants, and approximately 65 first time commercial service connections. On the wastewater side, the system would include 13,980 linear feet of 8-inch sewer line and the decommissioning of 59 onsite sewage facilities. The implementation of adequate water and sewer infrastructure will address public safety and health concerns that include fire flow and environmental health.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Project Name: Franklin Canal Concrete Lining Project: Phase IV
Recipient: Bureau of Reclamation, Missouri Basin and Arkansas Rio Grande-Texas Gulf Regions– Oklahoma-Texas Area Office
Address: 5316 Highway 290 West, Suite 110 Austin, TX 78735-8931
Amount Requested: $999,309
Project Description: This project would be used to install shotcrete liner using premanufactured steel framework on a 1-mile section of the Franklin Canal in Central El Paso, Texas. The project will conserve approximately 293 acre-feet of water per year. This section of the Franklin Canal is key for the construction of the Paso del Norte Trail to connect Downtown El Paso to the Medical Center of the Americas campus.
Financial Disclosure Letter


Submitted Projects Fiscal Year 2022:

Below you will find the projects my office submitted to the Appropriations Committee during the Fiscal Year 2022 Community Project Funding request cycle and were successfully funded.  

Project Name: UMC Robotics Expansion
Recipient: El Paso County Hospital District/University Medical Center of El Paso 
Address: 4815 Alameda Ave, El Paso, TX 79905
Amount Awarded: $1.2 million
Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to purchase a Da Vinci Single Port (SP) robot at University Medical Center of El Paso to improve minimally invasive service offerings for the El Paso community. The SP robot will allow University Medical Center to expand its capacity to provide high level medical care to the region, including uninsured individuals. Additionally, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center medical residents will have the opportunity to train on the equipment, strengthening the breadth of their training as our future medical workforce. Finally, the SP robot will provide a valuable tool to treat urological cancer, a treatment not currently available in El Paso
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: La Fe FQHC Technology Upgrade
Recipient: Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe, Inc
Address: 1314 Yandell Drive, El Paso, TX 79902
Amount Requested: $925,000
Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to upgrade La Fe’s service delivery model by enhancing and interconnecting its Electronic Health Records (EHR) system to be capable of comprehensive coordination of care. By interconnecting La Fe’s medical, dental, pharmacy, laboratory, and other health care services, La Fe’s eight FQHCs and four community outreach facilities would be able to serve the border’s most vulnerable populations and isolated colonia areas more effectively. Additionally, the funding will be used to upgrade and network its telecommunications equipment, hard and software, and increase its bandwidth and server capacity in order to be able use its current staff and service-delivery model more effectively, improve the ability to medical staff to document services efficiently, and facilitate the use of new virtual formats of patient services within the vulnerable inner-city communities and county colonias it serves.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: Cotton Valley Connect by Digital El Paso
Recipient: County of El Paso, Texas
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $2,850,000
Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to provide reliable access to public broadband service, via wireless mesh service, to an estimated 3,256 students across two school districts throughout the community—Fabens and Tornillo ISDs. Access to reliable internet service has proven necessary to navigate remote learning in the midst of a pandemic and will remain a critical utility and service line for the regional economy moving forward. The project is based on a successfully piloted proof-of-concept that was launched by Canutillo ISD in 2020 as a response to the ongoing pandemic.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: Casitas Community Project
Recipient: El Paso Center for Children, Inc.
Address: 2200 N. Stevens, El Paso, TX  79930
Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to purchase/acquire land and build a 15-unit tiny home community for young adults ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness. Although these transition-aged youth are able to access some limited programs specific for their age, there are simply not enough housing options for this particular age group.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: Paso del Norte Trail water-front shared-use path along the Franklin Canal from the entrance of El Paso Zoo to Tobin
Recipient: City of El Paso
Address: 300 North Campbell, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to create a model infrastructure project that prioritizes connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists, provides safe recreation space, and creates a community amenity to drive ecotourism while promoting sustainable development. Additionally, this project will provide multi-modal transportation options for our community, improve pedestrian and cyclist safety in this corridor, and support environmentally-conscious development practices by utilizing drought-tolerant plants and green infrastructure, in addition to creating jobs for trail construction.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: Connecting Communities: Upper Valley First-Time Water & Wastewater Projects
Recipient: County of El Paso, TX
Address: 500 E. San Antonio, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $1,105,000
Project Description and Explanation: The funding would be used to provide for the design and environmental assessment for a cluster of first-time water and wastewater projects throughout the Upper Valley to facilitate 412 residents with access to critical infrastructure to promote the health and safety of the community.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: El Paso Police Department Body-Worn Camera Program
Recipient: City of El Paso
Address: City of El Paso, City Hall, 300 N. Campbell St, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $525,000
Project Description and Explanation: This funding would be used to establish a body-worn camera program for the El Paso Police Department. This project will provide several potential benefits to the local community. 1) Better transparency: first, body-worn cameras may result in better transparency and accountability and thus may improve law enforcement legitimacy. 2) Increased civility: body-worn cameras may also result in higher rates of citizen compliance to officer commands during encounters and fewer complaints lodged against law enforcement. 3) Quicker resolution: body-worn cameras may lead to a faster resolution of citizen complaints and lawsuits that allege excessive use of force and other forms of officer misconduct. 4) Corroborating evidence: footage captured may also be used as evidence in arrests or prosecutions. 5) Training opportunities: the use of body-worn cameras also offers potential opportunities to advance policing through training. Law enforcement trainers and executives can assess officer activities and behavior captured by body-worn cameras — either through self-initiated investigations or those that result from calls for service — to advance professionalism among officers and new recruits.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: The Crisis Intervention Team
Recipient: County of El Paso
Address: 500 E. San Antonio Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
Amount Requested: $2,015,000
Project Description and Explanation: This funding would be used to fund a Crisis Intervention Team, (CIT) for the County of El Paso. The Crisis Intervention Team is a new community partnership between the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (SO) and Emergence Health Network (EHN), the official Local Mental Health Authority. The SO and EHN desire to explore options for providing safer and more effective responses to dynamic law enforcement incidents involving persons in suspected mental health crisis and situations involving persons with a diagnosed or suspected mental illness and/or intellectual disability. By addressing and focusing on the root cause of these incidents or crises, the SO CIT can help persons with seeking the assistance and proper resources. As such, the CIT will specialize in responding effectively to El Paso County’s mental health crisis situations, communicated through agency dispatch calls or while out on patrol. CIT member teams, consisting of specially trained SO deputies and EHN mental health professionals, will respond to mental health crisis related calls within the community to include the unincorporated areas of El Paso County, county detention facilities, and incorporated areas of the County, including Horizon, Anthony, San Elizario, Socorro, Clint and Vinton. The SO considers this team a long-term option to provide mental health assistance to the community and hopes it will provide a valuable response option to those in the community who may be experiencing a mental health crisis, issues with addiction, and the everyday struggles that may come with homelessness.
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

Project Name: El Paso Makes: Department of Defense Contract Support for El Paso’s Manufacturers 
Recipient: National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM)/America Makes, the University of Texas at El Paso/UTEP’s Aerospace Center and W.M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation, & the El Paso Chamber. 
Address: 236 W Boardman St, Youngstown, OH 44503
Amount Requested: $964,000
Project Description and Explanation: This funding would be used to support NCDMM in working in partnership with UTEP’s Aerospace Center and W.M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation and the El Paso Chamber to assist local manufacturing businesses in identifying and developing proposals to address DoD opportunities, and develop accounting practices and contracting vehicles that can be utilized to rapidly accept DoD contracts. The funding would essentially be used to develop a regional innovation ecosystem by harnessing UTEP’s national research preeminence to create high quality jobs for this region. The core underpinning of this effort is to catalyze the development of an advanced, technology-based industrial economy in three strategic areas: aerospace and defense technologies, advanced manufacturing, and energy engineering. 
Signed Disclosure Letter: Click here

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