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Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and Chairman Thompson Ask CBP to Remove Barbed Wire Barriers at El Paso POEs

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Tags: Congress

On February 21, 2019, CBP announced the installation of barbed wire barriers in response to the increasing numbers of Central American asylum-seekers. The lawmakers state in the letter that although Central American asylum-seeking families and children represent a humanitarian challenge, there is no national emergency to justify the deployment of these barriers.

Declaraciones de la Congresista Veronica Escobar en Celebracin del Da Internacional de la Mujer

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“En el Día Internacional de la Mujer, honramos las extraordinarias contribuciones de las mujeres y reconocemos que nuestra labor para lograr la igualdad aún no termina. Ya sea marchando para obtener el derecho al voto o derechos reproductivos, alzando sus voces en apoyo de la igualdad salarial o en contra de las políticas de inmigración inhumanas que separan a los niños de los brazos de sus madres, las mujeres de nuestras comunidades están liderando la lucha hacia el progreso.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar Statement on International Womens Day

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“On International Women’s Day, we honor the extraordinary contributions that women have made and recognize that our work to achieve equality is far from complete. Whether marching for the right to vote and reproductive rights, raising their voices in support of equal pay, or speaking out against inhumane immigration policies that separate children from their mother’s arms, women in our communities are leading the fight towards progress.

NBC News: Veronica Escobar made history in Congress. Now she's on the front lines of the border battle.

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By Phillip Mena, Cora Cervantes and Suzanne Gamboa When Rep. Veronica Escobar thinks of her hometown, what comes to mind is the more than 100-year-old dairy farm that generations of Escobars have owned and worked. Escobar, who grew up in this border city on Texas’ westernmost tip, thinks of her father delivering milk even while working as the El Paso County engineer. She…

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar Sends Letter to CBP Asking to Incorporate Local Organizations Into Proposed Central Processing Center

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Since 2014, the El Paso sector has seen an increase in the number of Central American families fleeing violence and persecution. To address the lack of adequate temporary processing facilities, the U.S. Congress appropriated $192 million for a new CPC where CBP can process migrant families within 72 hours in humane conditions.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar Named Assistant Whip for the 116th Congress

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Tags: Congress

“I am honored to serve under the leadership of Majority Whip Clyburn as an Assistant Whip in the New Democratic House Majority,” said Congresswoman Escobar. “This role will give me the opportunity to continue standing up for El Paso’s values and bring together the diverse voices of our Caucus. I look forward to advancing legislation that reflects our American values and expanding opportunity to hard-working families in our border communities and across the country.”

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