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Congresswoman Escobar Amendment to Promote Diversity and Desegregate Public Schools Passes House of Representatives

Washington, D.C., September 15, 2020
Tags: Education

Today, the House of Representatives passed an amendment offered by Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) to H.R. 2639, the Strength in Diversity Act, a bill to support local communities in their efforts to desegregate public schools. The underlying bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 248 to 167.

The Strength in Diversity Act would provide funding and expertise to support school districts that voluntarily develop, implement, or expand school diversity initiatives. Congresswoman Escobar’s amendment requires applying entities to provide information to the Department of Education regarding how the grant funds will be used to directly support student diversity. Additionally, Congresswoman Escobar’s amendment requires consortium agencies to establish a lead applicant and report how the funds will be divided among the school districts.

“Despite the fact that the Supreme Court declared that the doctrine ‘separate but equal’ has no place in American education 66 years ago, our schools remain segregated today and children still do not have equal access,” said Congresswoman Escobar. “Schools across our nation with predominantly children of color receive billions of dollars less every year. Our children deserve to have access to equal resources and opportunities, regardless of their race and socioeconomic status. Congress took a significant step forward today to desegregate our public schools and strengthen our education system in El Paso and across our country.” 


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