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Congresswoman Escobar Introduces Legislation to Improve Infrastructure in El Paso Colonias

Today, Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) introduced H.R. 3238, the Colonia Infrastructure Improvement Act. This legislation will address long-standing disparities faced by residents living in colonias by investing $1.5 billion in drinking water, wastewater, and surface infrastructure while creating good-paying jobs. 

“Many El Paso colonias have lacked critical infrastructure like paved roads, potable water, and wastewater treatment systems for decades, and the financial obstacles have been far too great for local property taxpayers and governments. As Congress works with the Biden administration on a bold, forward-looking plan to rebuild America’s infrastructure, I am committed to redressing the historic inequities that have affected colonia residents,” said Congresswoman Escobar. “The Colonia Infrastructure Improvement Act – a $1.5 billion investment – is the first step to improving infrastructure in colonias while creating good-paying jobs in underserved communities.”

The Colonia Infrastructure Improvement Act would:

Invest in Drinking Water Infrastructure by:

  • Reauthorizing an EPA grant program to provide assistance to colonias to construct drinking water infrastructure consistent with national regulations. 
  • Allowing local governments with jurisdiction over colonias to apply for grants.
  • Eliminating a cost-sharing provision so there are no financial barriers for these economically disadvantaged communities.
  • Reauthorizing the program at $100 million dollars a year from 2022 through 2026. 

Invest in Wastewater Infrastructure by:

  • Reauthorizing an EPA grant program to provide assistance to colonias to construct wastewater infrastructure.
  • Allowing local governments with jurisdiction over colonias to apply for grants.
  • Eliminating a cost-sharing provision so there are no financial barriers for these economically disadvantaged communities.
  • Reauthorizing the program at $100 million dollars a year from 2022 through 2026.

Invest in Surface Infrastructure by:

  • Directing the Secretary of Transportation to establish a grant program to assist projects that facilitate the state of good repair of surface infrastructure in, or for the benefit of, a colonia.
  • Authorizing the program at $125 million a year from 2022 through 2025.

To read the full bill text, click here.

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