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Congresswoman Escobar Statement on the Nomination of Gabe Camarillo as the 36th U.S. Under Secretary of the Army

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) released a statement following President Joe Biden’s announcement of the nomination of El Paso native Gabe Camarillo as United States Under Secretary of the Army. In February 2021, Congresswoman Escobar led two congressional letters endorsing Gabe Camarillo’s nomination:

“I am proud to support the historic nomination of El Paso native Gabe Camarillo as the 36th U.S. Under Secretary of the Army. Gabe Camarillo has devoted his career to promoting diversity and the modernization of our nation’s armed forces. 

“As Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower & Reserve Affairs and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, he planned and oversaw budgets that strengthen our national security and led groundbreaking diversity efforts. As the Army faces significant challenges, including preventing sexual assault and harassment and responding to emerging threats, I am confident Gabe Camarillo’s deep and extensive experience positions him to continue making enduring contributions to our nation’s defense. I urge the Senate to swiftly confirm him as Under Secretary of the Army.”

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