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Congresswoman Veronica Escobar Named Assistant Whip for the 116th Congress

“I am honored to serve under the leadership of Majority Whip Clyburn as an Assistant Whip in the New Democratic House Majority,” said Congresswoman Escobar. “This role will give me the opportunity to continue standing up for El Paso’s values and bring together the diverse voices of our Caucus. I look forward to advancing legislation that reflects our American values and expanding opportunity to hard-working families in our border communities and across the country.”

Today, Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) announced that she has been appointed by House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn to serve as an Assistant Whip for the 116th Congress.

“I am honored to serve under the leadership of Majority Whip Clyburn as an Assistant Whip in the New Democratic House Majority,” said Congresswoman Escobar. “This role will give me the opportunity to continue standing up for El Paso’s values and bring together the diverse voices of our Caucus. I look forward to advancing legislation that reflects our American values and expanding opportunity to hard-working families in our border communities and across the country.”

“I’m pleased that Congresswoman Veronica Escobar will be joining my Whip team as an Assistant Whip for the 116th Congress,” said Majority Whip Clyburn. “Congresswoman Escobar will play a critical role in my Whip operation, helping us ensure that every voice of the most diverse Caucus ever is heard as we consider legislation to move our country in a positive direction. I look forward to working with Congresswoman Escobar to ensure that Democrats deliver on their promise to advance an agenda that will have a positive impact on Americans’ everyday lives.”

Assistant Whips are responsible for helping the Whip operation get an accurate read on where Members of the Caucus stand on certain pieces of legislation. They work with Members of the Caucus to answer any questions or address any concerns that Members may have with upcoming bills.


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