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Congresswoman Veronica Escobar Statement on Special Counsel Mueller’s Press Conference

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report and remarks are clear and should alarm every American. Russia, a foreign adversary, blatantly attacked our political system and the investigation did not exonerate President Trump of obstruction of justice.

(Boston, MA) – Today, Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16), member of the House Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement in response to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s press conference reiterating the findings of his investigation:

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report and remarks are clear and should alarm every American. Russia, a foreign adversary, blatantly attacked our political system and the investigation did not exonerate President Trump of obstruction of justice.

“As Special Counsel Mueller concludes his investigation, Congress must do its job. We must act swiftly to pass bipartisan legislation to protect future elections and uphold our constitutional responsibility to investigate and hold the president accountable for his abuse of power.”

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar co-sponsored and voted for H.R. 1, The For the People Act, legislation that renews Americans’ faith in government and protects our democratic institutions from foreign intrusion by developing a national strategy to combat foreign interference.


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